Faxriya Sharq mumtoz adabiyotida keng tarqalgan adabiy san’at turi bo‘lib, kichik lirik she’rlarda bir baytdan, katta hajmli asarlar: qasida va dostonlarda esa bir necha baytdan iborat bo‘ladi. Faxriya shoirning iste’dod darajasi, asarlarining badiiy yuksakligi hamda erishgan muvaffaqiyatlari va shon-shuhratidan faxrlanib bitgan she’r-u baytlari tarzida odatda she’riyatda muayyan maqomga erishgan shoirlar tomonidan qalamga olinadi.
This article discusses the poetic activity of Abu Ali ibn Sina, the founder of medical science. The literary environment of Bukhara during the Samanid period is also highlighted to some extent. In particular, the work of creators active during the reign of Nasr ibn Ahmad Samanid is reviewed. Thoughts are presented on literary works written in Arabic, Persian, and Dari, which were the scientific and conversational languages of that time. The article elaborates on the poetic passages in Ibn Sina's work "Urjuza fit-tib." Other works of the great scholar, including qasidas, qit'as, and couplets, are analyzed, shedding light on Ibn Sina's poetic activity. Since the article mainly draws on original literary sources in Persian and Tajik, it serves to substantiate discussions on Ibn Sina's poetry in the Uzbek language.