Individual speech style is a conceptually important concept, moral, moralizing the entire process of rhetorical training of a future teacher. The individual style of speech is of particular importance for the teacher, since, firstly, the teacher’s speech is a sample of the students’ speech, and secondly, teaching the native language and literature requires thoughtfulness and awareness. The forms include familiarizing students with the linguistic culture of society, developing a caring attitude towards language, and consciously mastering language as a means of communication.
A music teacher is considered as a necessary component of professional pedagogical culture, a necessary condition for preparing a music teacher for professional and pedagogical activities. Pedagogical creativity is effective if it is based on high professional and pedagogical competence. The effectiveness of a music teacher depends on his professional skills. We believe that professional competence is a multifactorial phenomenon. Not only special basic scientific and methodological knowledge, abilities and skills, but also professional ones, but also work with people depend on the general culture of the teacher, his value orientations, the content of his activities and his ideas about himself as a specialist includes abilities.
Ushbu maqolada O'zbekistonda yangi parlament saylovi, mamlakatning siyosiy tizimini shakllantirishda muhim rol o'ynashi yoritilgan. O'zbekistonda saylov yangicha yondashuvga asoslanganligi va xalqaro standartlarga moslashtirilgani yoritilgan. 2024-yilda bo'lib o'tadigan navbatdagi parlament saylovlari mamlakatning kelajakdagi rivojlanishi va hukumatning xalq oldidagi mas'uliyatini oshirishda muhim ahamiyatga ega ekani haqida ma`lumot keltirilgan.
Tezisda bugungi kunda qurilayotgan zamonaviy turar- joy binolarining yerto‘la devorlari orqali issiqlikning yo‘qolishi, zamonaviy issiqlik izolyatsiya materialari, yerto‘la devorlarini issiqlik izolyatsiyalash, yerto‘la devorlaridan yo‘qolayotgan issiqlikni saqlash hisobiga energiya samaradorlikka erishish masalalari bo‘yicha olib borilayotgan ilmiy-tadqiqot ishlari ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan.