Due to the fact that the economic potential of the Bukhara oasis is closely related to the field of tourism, conducting research on the prospects of tourism development is considered one of the urgent tasks facing science. To expand the flow of foreign tourists, creating maximum comfort for them is an important task for organizations related to tourism infrastructure. One of such tasks is to provide high-quality mobile communication service for tourists visiting our country during their travels.
Ushbu maqolada Sharq va G‘arb adabiyotlarida ayol obrazining o‘ziga xos talqinlari taqqosiy tahlil qilinadi. Sharq adabiyotida ayol ko‘pincha go‘zallik, sadoqat va ma’naviyat timsoli sifatida idealizatsiya qilingan bo‘lsa, G‘arb adabiyotida u murakkab va individualistik qiyofada tasvirlanadi. Alisher Navoiyning "Layli va Majnun", Shekspirning "Hamlet" va "Romeo va Juletta" asarlaridagi ayol obrazlari madaniy va ijtimoiy o‘ziga xosliklarni aks ettiradi. Maqolada bu obrazlarning o‘xshash va farqli jihatlari, shuningdek, ular orqali jamiyatning gender munosabatlari yoritiladi.
This article focuses on the analysis of the use of animals as symbols in English and Russian proverbs. It explores the semantic peculiarities of these symbols and their role within cultural and linguistic contexts. Both similar and divergent approaches to the use of animals in the two languages are examined, with an emphasis on the role of these symbols in conveying life lessons and moral norms. The analysis includes examples that illustrate the differences and similarities in the perception of animals in the cultures of English and Russian-speaking peoples.
This article explores how digitalization, social media, and new media have altered the role and form of traditional proverbs and sayings in these cultures. Modern technology has significantly impacted the usage and evolution of proverbs and sayings in both Russian and English We analyze how proverbs and sayings adapt to new technological realities and how this influences their perception and transformation. The study is based on an analysis of texts from social media, blogs, and forums, as well as lexicographical data.
Mazkur maqola O‘zbekistonda avtomobillarni ta’mirlash sohasining tarixini o‘rganish va ushbu jarayonni raqamlashtirishning dolzarb masalalariga bag‘ishlangan. Avtomobillarni ta’mirlash bo‘yicha mavjud ma’lumotlarni tizimlashtirish va raqamli formatga o‘tkazish orqali texnik xizmatlar sifatini oshirish, tarixiy bilimlarni saqlab qolish va xizmat ko‘rsatish samaradorligini kuchaytirish imkoniyatlari tahlil qilinadi. Tadqiqotda avtomobillarni ta’mirlash tarixiga oid arxiv materiallari, ustachilik an’analari va zamonaviy texnologiyalarning roli o‘rganilib, sohani raqamlashtirish orqali innovatsion yechimlarni tatbiq etish istiqbollari ko‘rib chiqiladi. Ushbu yondashuv milliy avtoindustriyaga raqobatbardoshlikni oshirish va global texnologik trendlarga moslashishga yordam beradi.