International scientific journal "Modern Science and Research"

ISSN: 2181-3906;   OAV Guvohnoma №042359;   Impact factor (UIF-2022): 8.2
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Jurnalning rasmiy tillari: o‘zbek, rus, ingliz
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Gardez city is the capital of Paktia province, which is located 122 km south of Kabul and southeast of Afghanistan and on the route of the main branch of the Silk Road from Ghazni to Sindh. The historical castle (Balahisar) and Mirzaka have a special place in this city. In order to know the foundations of the city under study, it is inevitable to review written sources, field studies and environmental surveys. For this purpose, a systematic survey of the area of Gardez city has been carried out in order to collect surface data. In addition, in order to identify the settlement periods of the city, a borehole was dug near the city wall, whose data have been presented and analyzed in the current research. Also, the results of environmental studies were effective in identifying the factors affecting the formation and development of the city. From the ancient sites and the excavation of the square trench number 1 in the historical castle and the investigation of the Mahmoudiyeh hill (number one) and the Nadiryeh hill (number two), numerous pottery works were obtained, these potteries represent the era of the Achaemenids, Alexander the Great, Parthians, and Seleucids. They are Parthian, Sasanian and Islamic. based on findings and ancient works; The historical heritage of this city is more than what was imagined, this city has been a suitable place for settlement and residence from the geographical and environmental point of view since prehistoric times until now. The location of this area in the four communication routes from west to east and north to south has been one of the other reasons for the establishment and expansion of Gardez city.

19.12.2024 Volume 3 Issue 12 View more Download

Ushbu maqola psixologik ehtiyojlar tushunchasini, ularning turli turlarini va ularni qondirishning inson rivojiga ta'sirini tahlil qiladi. Psixologik ehtiyojlar, insonning ichki holatini, motivatsiyasini va jamiyatdagi o'rnini anglashga bo'lgan intilishlarini shakllantiradi. Maslou ehtiyojlar piramidasidagi yuqori darajadagi ehtiyojlar, shuningdek, insonning o'zini anglash, o'z-o'zini ifodalash va o'zining ruhiy holatini mustahkamlashdagi roli ko'rib chiqiladi. Maqolada, psixologik ehtiyojlarni qondirishning psixologik salomatlikka, shaxsiy o'sishga va jamiyatda muvaffaqiyatga erishishga qanday ta'sir ko'rsatishi haqida misollar keltiriladi.

19.12.2024 Volume 3 Issue 12 View more Download

This article discusses the ethics of artificial intelligence and law, the use of artificial intelligence in the field of legal services, research conducted on this topic, statistics, as well as the relevance and results of the research topic. Also, as a result of the research, international research and statistics on the ethics of legal services were studied. Ethics of corporate legal departments: According to the results of KPMG's Global Legal Department Benchmarking Study, 67 percent of legal departments are trying to align their structures with the company's business units and the legal sector. This approach helps ensure the ethics of legal services. However, the demand for external specialists to meet the internal needs of organizations is high, which can create difficulties in maintaining consistent ethical standards in legal services; Research conducted by the Ethics & Compliance Initiative (ECI): According to the 2023 GBES (Global Business Ethics Survey), only 30% of companies have implemented comprehensive ethics and compliance programs. These programs play a critical role in reducing the risk of misconduct. While employees are more likely to report unethical behavior in such organizations, there are also increased instances of retaliation against those who report it. This indicates that an ongoing problem in the ethical environment; Ethical culture and integrity: ECI research shows that companies that have implemented high-quality ethics programs reduce legal and financial risks. In such organizations, employees express higher trust in their leadership, which helps to improve overall business performance and achieve long-term success. At the same time, companies with strong ethics programs employ 5.6 lawyers for every $1 billion in sales, which allows them to effectively manage legal risks. These results confirm the importance of ethics and compliance in legal services. By increasing ethical culture and trust, and aligning with international standards and norms, organizations can strengthen their accountability to their employees and clients.

18.12.2024 Volume 3 Issue 12 View more Download

Quyidagi maqola so'nggi 5 yillik ichida Turkiya davlatida inflaytsiya bo'yicha bo'lgan o'zgarishlarni tahlil qiladi. Nega pandemiya davridan so'ng mamlakatda inflyatsiya darajasi misli ko'rilmagan darajada yuqorilab ketganligini PESTLE tadqiqot usulidan foydalanib o'rganib chiqadi. Ya'ni pulning qadrsizlanishiga ta'sir qilayotgan har bir hukumat siyosati, iqtisodiy indekslar, ijyimoiy holatlar, texnologik yangiliklar, huquqiy va atrof-muhitga oid barcha holatlar miqdor va sifat usullardan foydalanilgan holda yoritib berilgan. Inflyatsiyaning o'sishi natijasida mamlakatda vujudga kelgan ko'plab norozilik harakatlarini oldini olish uchun bir qancha tavsiyalar ham aytib o'tilgan.

18.12.2024 Volume 3 Issue 12 View more Download

The article describes the Jadid movement that arose in Turkestan at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, and the views of its leaders on the renewal of science, education and upbringing of youth, as well as the scientific, cultural, spiritual, educational, and socio-political activities of Jadid educators.

18.12.2024 Volume 3 Issue 12 View more Download
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