In this article, the history of the origin of the Children's Music and Art School No. 9 located in the city of Mangit, Amudarya district, information about the changes that have occurred and are being made in the system of secondary education and training in music schools today, and the achievements achieved so far. explained.
This article includes the development of control of girder reinforced concrete bridges. The main purpose of the variant project is the modern types of intermediate devices, main materials of supports, foundations. Also, the article includes the main cases of comparison of options and suggestions for making an optimal decision, showing the main schemes of bridges in examples, and developing an explanation of the drawing account.
This article analyzes the necessity and methods of improving the accounting of financial results in economic entities. Actual problems of accounting for financial results, existing approaches and ways to improve them are considered. The main focus is on methods of financial analysis necessary to improve the quality of financial reports, ensure the accuracy of financial indicators and make effective management decisions.
Ushbu maqola adabiy eponimlar hodisasini o‘rganadi - badiiy asarlardan kelib chiqqan va o‘z asl kontekstidan tashqariga chiqib, umumiy lug‘at tarkibiga singib ketgan atamalar, tushunchalar va personajlar. Turli janrlar va tarixiy davrlardan misollar keltirib, maqola bu eponimlarning paydo bo‘lish jarayonlarini, ularning til va madaniyatga ta’sirini, hamda adabiyotning uzoq muddatli ta’siri haqida bergan ma’lumotlarni tahlil qiladi. Adabiy eponimlarni tanqidiy tahlil qilish orqali, ushbu maqola ular badiiy dunyolar va real hayotdagi muloqot o‘rtasida kuchli ko‘prik vazifasini o‘tashini, so‘z boyligimizni boyitishini, ijtimoiy hodisalarni tushunishimizni shakllantirishini va jamiyatning o‘zgaruvchan qadriyatlarini aks ettirishini ta’kidlaydi.
"At the same time, the turbulent situation in some regions of the world leads to the increase of population migration, which, in turn, leads to the spread of terrorism and extremism and their becoming one of the global problems. In such a situation, the preservation of our national statehood, independence, peaceful and peaceful life and security of our population is becoming the highest priority for us." As the leader of our country stated above, there is a threat of terrorism all over the world, and we must fight this threat fiercely and protect not only ourselves, but the entire nation and our motherland.