Ushbu maqolada yassi quyosh kollektorlari orqali aholi yashash binolarini isitish va issiq suv ta’minotini samaradorligini oshirish masalasi o‘rganiladi. Tadqiqotda kollektor yuzasining o‘zlashtirgan issiqlik energiyasi, termosifon va majburiy sirkulyatsiyali (bir, ikki va ko‘p konturli) isitish tizimlarining ishlashi va yoqilg‘i tejash imkoniyatlari tahlil qilinadi.
Ushbu maqolada boshlangʻich sinf oʻquvchilarining estetik madaniyatini shakllantirishning nazariy asoslari, tamoyillari va usullari tahlil qilingan. Maqolada estetik tarbiyaning zamonaviy yondashuvlari, xalqaro tajriba hamda milliy qadriyatlarning uyg'unligi masalalari yoritilgan. Tadqiqot adabiyotlar tahlili asosida amalga oshirilgan.
This article provides information on congenital heart defects, including complete and partial transposition, aggravating factors, and causes of death. Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are structural abnormalities of the heart that are present at birth. These conditions can disrupt blood flow within the heart and can negatively impact the normal functioning of other organs and systems. Congenital heart defects are the most common birth defects, and their complexity ranges from simple problems to complex conditions requiring multiple surgeries. It is important to understand and treat CHDs as conditions that require specialized medical care and treatment.
In an era when the development of science and technology has accelerated at an unprecedented rate, interdisciplinary integration is of crucial importance in establishing continuous education. The term integration is derived from the Latin word inlegratio, which means joining, uniting. Information integration involves combining and presenting materials from different sources for a specific purpose. Integrated education and interdisciplinary communication are two complementary concepts. Interdisciplinary communication refers to the communication established between academic disciplines in order to allow the student to understand a particular problem as deeply as possible in the process of mastering certain knowledge and to effectively apply the acquired knowledge in practice. This article examines the process of integrating literature with other disciplines.