Today, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 30, 2017 "On measures to radically improve the management of the preschool education system" aimed at further development of the field, the Decree No. PF-5198 dated September 30, 2017 "Uzbekistan Decision No. PQ-3305 "On the organization of activities of the Ministry of Pre-School Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan" is gaining great importance. State educational standards based on the competence approach aimed at the development of the field and general education subjects developed in accordance with it. educational programs, Order No. 190 of the Ministry of Public Education dated June 3, 2017 "On approval and implementation of improved educational programs based on the requirements of state educational standards of general secondary education" approved and directed to execution.
Maqolada mehnat samaradorligi - iqtisodning muhim sifatiy ko‘rsatkichi, moddiy ishlab chiqarishni samaradorlik darajasi, mehnatning unimdorligi ijtimoiy ishlab chiqarish samaradorligi, mehnat samaradorligi, o‘qish va o‘qitish samaradorligi, qabul qilingan qonun va qoidalar hamda yechimlarning samaradorligi o‘z hayotiy faoliyatini saqlash va intellektual layoqatlarini yanada rivojlantirish uchun moddiy va ma’naviy ne’matlardan foydalana olish borasida fikrlar bildirilgan.
In this article, the author highlighted the didactics of teaching the topic "solutions". The goal is to further increase students' intuition through a creative approach to teaching the topic of solutions taught in school textbooks. The goal is to make students think logically using new methods and increase their interest in chemistry.