Ushbu maqolada Alisher Navoiyning adolat haqidagi qarashlari tahlilga tortilgan. Islom ta’limotiga asoslangan Alisher Navoiy dunyoqarashicha, xususiy mulk muqaddas va daxlsiz, har bir kishi oʻzining halol mehnati evaziga istaganicha mol-mulk, boylik orttirishi mumkinligi ta’kidlangan.
The article discusses the specific linguistic aspects of vulgarisms expressing the character of people and other features of their personalities in the language of Khorezmian dastans. These issues are based on the texts of manuscripts and lithographs spread in the Khorezm region.
Maintaining the health of the population in a developed society is one of the priorities in each country. It is important for the development of the state in the socio-economic and scientific and technical spheres. This article covered the conceptual foundations of the principle of a healthy lifestyle in the modern educational system of New Uzbekistan.
The article analyzes a healthy lifestyle, its role in raising a harmonious generation and gives several definitions that apply to this concept. These concepts have been analyzed, providing information about a healthy lifestyle and the concepts that are part of it.