The article focuses on the development of reading skills for young people through solid information and presentations that will increase students' expressive, creative and analytical thinking skills. Recommendations are made for them to increase motivation, increase interest in reading and ensure spiritual development, effective learning in a short time with various methods and techniques, and ensure the development of reading among young students.
Ivan Andreevich Krylov was a famous Russian writer and fabulist who lived from 1769 to 1844. Through his famous fairy tales and fables about animals, Krylov was able to subtly criticize and comment on Russian society and politics throughout his life. His work has longevity for its intelligence, wisdom, and lessons that remain relevant and are still widely read today. This article explores Krylov's life experiences and influences, analyzes his most famous tales, and examines his enduring legacy as one of Russia's most treasured storytellers.
Ushbu maqolada quduqlarda geologik va texnik tadbirlarning texnologik samaradorligini baholash usullarini tanqidiy tahlil qilish orqali mavjud usullarni kamchiliklari ko’rsatib o’tilgan. Siqib chiqarish xarakterini aniqlashda differensial tenglamalarini qo'llash tajribasi shuni ko'rsatadiki, ular uncha barqaror emas, ma'lumotlarga ehtiyotkorlik bilan ishlov berishni talab qiladi, ishlov berishda tasodifiy omillarni hisobga olish zarurligi ta’kidlab o’tilgan.
Biz bugun yoshlarga qanchalik yetarli bilim bersak, ma’naviy – madaniy merosimizdan bahramand etsak, zamonaviy madaniyat yutuqlarini o’rgatsak, ular shunchalik mustaqil davlatimiz rivojiga, jamiyatni yangilash, moderni-zatsiyalashga tayyor bo’ladi va shunga intiladi.