This article, using the example of the work of Zulfiya Kurolba kizi, examines an image that reflects the principles of revealing artistic originality in Uzbek “women's prose”. By exploring the principles of prose character motivations, the author of "women's fiction" was able to create more realistic characters, shed light on the underlying social and cultural factors that shape their behavior, and promote cross-cultural understanding.
In today's modern education system and in the age of technology, it is important to explain the deep meaning of distance education and its concept to the students of the Medical Technical University and to the employees of the Medical Technical University. Work was carried out on the formation of the main tasks and practical skills of the principles of the distance education system, and the actual topics of distance education of medical workers and students were considered and work was carried out to obtain practical results.
We believe that distance education is one of the directions that is gaining popularity due to the convenience and condition for a large number of students and users, using the possibility of conducting and organizing it in a state that is closely connected with any modern sciences. There are such concepts as education, virtual library, distance education, distance education, electronic textbooks, in order to build and use distance education together with modern information technologies and to increase its capabilities.
Innovative activity characteristic of modern conditions, one level or any production enterprise. Even if the company is not the leader in the innovative market, sooner or later it will be faced with the need to replace morally obsolete technologies and products. This article analyzes issues such as psychological assessment of employees' mental state and determination of ways to eliminate them through management psychology, and also provides information about the goals and tasks of management psychology.