This article is about the development of the usurious craft among the Karakalpaks, the usurer Soppasli Supyr, the founder of the usurious school. Soppasly Supyra cited valuable opinions of scientists about Zhirov’s creative path, the idea-theme, the meaning and content of his works.
This article analyzes the armed forces of the Seljuk Empire, the Turkish kingdom that emerged in the Middle Ages in Khorasan and was able to influence the entire Middle East, as well as its administration. The political and military role of the army in the Seljuk state is also partially covered.
Separating different control methods according to their general characteristics (classifications) allows professionals to develop theoretical and practical knowledge of the science and at the same time helps to identify gaps in this knowledge. In wrestling, the athlete's technical movements are different and differ from other sports in their diversity. This article discusses the classification and interpretation of the terminology of wrestling techniques. Recommendations are given for the judicious and appropriate use of wrestling terminology.
The article examines the effectiveness of the use of modern technologies and the structural and substantive features of self-development in the preparation of future specialists for innovative activities in the university educational process. At the same time, it is determined that personal qualities and abilities are the basis for determining personal destiny when choosing the right profession.