This article describes the content of regulatory documents adopted in our country to improve the level of financial literacy of the population and their priorities. Scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists devoted to financial literacy were also analyzed. The concept of "financial literacy" based on the acquisition of financial and economic knowledge, skills and abilities to make financial decisions is defined and their components are described.
In this article, thanks to the study of the banking systems of developed countries, sufficient importance is given to monitoring commercial banks, identifying negative changes in the practice of their activities, as well as scientific improvement of methods for the timely and coordinated application of control actions.
Oʼz vaqtining buyuk zabardasti, namoyondasi. Ziyolilar qatoridan joy olgan buyuk mutaffakir. Alisher Navoiy ijodini juda sevib oʼqiganligi bois yozgan ashʼorlaridan ham Navoiy sheʼrlaridagi muhit yaqqol sezilib turadi. Bir qancha davlatlarni kezib oʼzi uchun yangilik yaratgan, yevropacha muhitni his qilgan.