Ushbu maqola O’zbekiston Respublikasining yangi tahrirdagi Konstitusiyasi o’z oldiga qo’ygan maqsadlar qay darajada o’z natijasini berayotganini, xususan jamiyatda kechayotgan ijtimoiy islohotlarning samaradorligi uning fuqarolari ega bo’lgan ma’naviyati, ta’lim tarbiya berishdagi muomma va yechimlarin, pedagogik vazifalarin belgilab uni tahlil qiladi.
The article gives examples of methods of organizing the teaching process of educational science. The need to take into account the psychological, age characteristics of students in the use of didactic tools has been proven on the basis of examples. Effective methods and tools for organizing the teaching process are given.