This is it in the article, improvement of the mechanism of using modern technologies in teaching English to elementary school students, elementary in classe, especially the first in class to the students foreign languages in teaching o' of the student age, physiological, psychological features account get should be, multimedia technologies using sound cards to users own speeches writing get and after him of speakers pronunciations with to compare enable to give about information given
Mazkur maqolada turkman shoiri Mahtumquli ijodi va faoliyati yoritib berilgan. Maqola davomida shoirning ijtimoiy-falsafiy qarashlari hamda she’rlari tahli qilingan. Maqola so’nggida do’stlik kuychisi hisoblangan shoir Mahtumqulining ijodiy me’rosi keng miqyosda o’rganilishi ahamiyatli ekanligi ta’kidlab o’tilgan.
This in the article mother language in education applicable text, text content, text of types mutually differences and them Create to the process in preparation useful of assignments types and content about information given. Mother tongue in education applied grammar of assignments role, importance and types about Methodist scientists by reported to feedback analytical relationship reported. Also present in the day at school mother language in education in use grammar of assignments in textbooks given attitude to situations stated. Grammatical assignments content, as well as from it text Create and text on work in the process applied of assignments types illuminated and preparation process about recommendations given.