In this article, the author highlighted the didactics of teaching the topic "solutions". The goal is to further increase students' intuition through a creative approach to teaching the topic of solutions taught in school textbooks. The goal is to make students think logically using new methods and increase their interest in chemistry.
Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues of the 21st century, and its negative effects are impacting countries worldwide. The Paris Agreement (2015), adopted by the United Nations, marks the beginning of a new era of international cooperation in the fight against climate change. This article analyzes the content of the Paris Agreement, its obligations under international law, and legal issues related to climate change.
The article is devoted to the topical issues of effective application of neural networks in foreign language teaching; it analyses the pedagogical, methodological and psychological potential of exercises, mini- and macro-texts generated with the help of neural networks and the possibilities of their combined integration into the linguodidactic process of foreign language teaching. For accessible interpretation of the studied object such methods as the analysis of lexical-methodological article to determine the dominant lexemes "electronic library", "neural network", "artificial intelligence"; pedagogical monitoring (experimentation of skills and difficulties in the formation of language and speech experiences of students, ways of their solution); modelling of practical tasks and exercises are applied.
Ushbu maqolada aholini favqulotda vaziyatlarda to‘g‘ri harakat qilishini ta’minlash sohasida ta‘lim berishning amaldagi uslubiyoti, aholini toifalar doirasida tashkil etiladigan guruhlar tarkibida tayyorlash tartibi, aholini favqulodda vaziyatlarda to’g’ri harakatlanishga tayyorlash tadbirlarini muvaffaqiyatli hal etilishida qo’llaniladigan tayyorgarlik shakllari, usullari va vositalari yoritilgan.
Faxriya Sharq mumtoz adabiyotida keng tarqalgan adabiy san’at turi bo‘lib, kichik lirik she’rlarda bir baytdan, katta hajmli asarlar: qasida va dostonlarda esa bir necha baytdan iborat bo‘ladi. Faxriya shoirning iste’dod darajasi, asarlarining badiiy yuksakligi hamda erishgan muvaffaqiyatlari va shon-shuhratidan faxrlanib bitgan she’r-u baytlari tarzida odatda she’riyatda muayyan maqomga erishgan shoirlar tomonidan qalamga olinadi.