It is hard to imagine any area of modern society experiencing the process of globalization without the language of the media. The breadth of media opportunities requires an in-depth study of their activities and development, and their impact on the audience. Media science is a new interdisciplinary field based on traditional methods. The formation of the language of the media is closely linked to their common mission. How viewers perceive information also depends on what tool is used to convey it. Each media uses its own language and methods of updating information to shape its essence, which in turn influences perceptions of existence.
Amaliy san'at, ayniqsa madaniy jihatdan kurgazmali hisoblanadi, chunki u butun aholi bo'lmasa-da, uning kundalik hayotiga, kundalik madaniyatiga integratsiyalashgan, albatta, elita amaliy san'ati ham mavjud. Uning eksperimental yo'nalishlari va maxsus segmentlari, hayot va faoliyatning muayyan sohalari, masalan, mintaliteti bilan bog'liq. Amaliy san'atning barcha xilma-xil turlaridan funktsional, maishiy va dekorativ maqsadlar uchun kulolchilik eng boy tadqiqot sohasi bo'lib, madaniy boyliklarni namoyish etadi. Bizning zamonamizning maishiy kulolchilik san'ati "zamonlar va madaniyatlar bo'ylab sayohat" qilib, unda har bir davrning badiiy yutuqlari ifoda etadiladi.
Sázende qanshelli jetik sázende bolsa. Oń qoldıń hár qıylı shtrixlardı alıwǵa sheberligi jetilisken bolsa, sonshelli namanıń sulıw esitiliwine, qulaqqa jaǵımlı bolıp túsinikli bolıwına, tıńlawǵa tásirli bolıp esitiliwine namanıń jaqsı shıǵıwına úlken tásir etedi hám paydası tiyedi.
The banking sector plays an important role in the economy of any country. The functioning of the dynamically developing banking sector in our country reinforces the need to manage the efficiency of each particular commercial bank of the banking system as a whole. Commercial banks are an integral part of the modern monetary economy. They form one of the central links of the system of market structures. The development and improvement of the efficiency of banking activities is one of the foundations for the development of the economy of the state as a whole. The clear and competent activity of commercial banks determines the effectiveness of the functioning of both the banking system and the entire economy.
Tijorat banklari moliyaviy barqarorligi ko‘p hollarda banklar ishonchliligi bilan hamohang ravishda o‘rganilishi va ko‘rib chiqilishi bir qancha tadqiqotlarda aniqlandi. Shu bois, biz tijorat banklari yoki har qanday xo‘jalik yurituvchi sub’yektlar moliyaviy barqarorligi, ishonchliligi yuzasidan tadqiqotlarni chuqur o‘rganishga harakat qilamiz. Ushbu tushunchalardan farqli jihatlar, olimlarning tijorat banklari moliyaviy barqarorligi xususidagi bildirgan nazariy qarashlari va metologik asoslarini tadqiq etishga harakat qilamiz.