Davlat budjeti barqarorligini ta’minlash, hududlarni ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy jihatdan rivojlantirish borasidagi tafovutlarni qisqartirish ko‘p jihatdan mahalliy budjetlarning daromad bazasini kengaytirish bilan bog‘liq. Shundan kelib chiqqan holda, mazkur maqola mahalliy budjetlarning daromad bazasini kengaytirish masalalari muhokama qilinadi.
Búgingi kúnde pútkil jáhán xalıqlarınıń ulıwma mádeniyatında dene tárbiyası ayrıqsha orın iyeleydi. Jaslardıń salamatlıǵın jaqsılaw, bárkámal áwladtıń fizikalıq rawajlanıwın támiyinlewde dene tárbiyası hám sporttıń teoriyalıq tiykarların úyretiw hám de ámeliy shınıǵıwlardı atqarıw zárúrli wazıypalardan biri bolıp tabıladı.
The article examines the current state of the real estate appraisal system in our country. Existing problems in the property valuation process and their impact on property relations were assessed. Opportunities to optimize the process of reforming the property system in the context of modern market relations have been studied. In the process of improving the system of property reform in Uzbekistan is based on the possibility of adapting the process of real estate appraisal to the requirements of the property market. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations for improving the effectiveness of property reforms by improving the system of real estate valuation have been formed.
In diesem Artikel werden die semantisch-strukturellen Einordnungen bei der Übersetzung deutscher Sprichwörter ins Usbekische betrachtet. Anhand von Beispielen werden vergleichende Parömien, der strukturelle Aufbau deutscher Sprichwörter, strukturelle Gemeinsamkeiten und Ähnlichkeiten beider Sprachen, aber auch deren semantische Disparitäten untersucht.