24.06.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 6

Abstract. Children's cognitive and analytical skills are aided by the plot, characters, and turning points found in fairy tales. Children's critical thinking skills can be improved by having them consider the choices made by the characters or predict how the story will end. The aim of this research is to enhance students' ability to think creatively when tackling certain societal challenges. The study plan is structured as a cycle that goes from preliminary contemplation through planning, activity and observation, assessment, and reflection. The researcher will conduct a second cycle at the same stage if the first cycle's success indicator was not met. Following data collection, the researcher will evaluate the data using descriptive quantitative data analysis approaches, which involve presenting the data as figures or percentages that can then be explained. Creating a "suitable list of conformities" between the suggested problems and the study respondents' responses is the first stage in the analytic process.

Keywords: fairy tales, critical thinking, children.

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