18.06.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 6

Abstract. Ibrahim Yusufov was one of the masters of poetry style, one of the masters of music who used his own voice In particular, his lyrical poetry has enriched the poetry of Korakalpok, beyond the genre and the poetic aspect. The stories and translations of the poet have attracted many scholars to literature. In his box, the impressions of the poet, the pure emotions, have been engraved in poetry, except for the poetry of the poet. Favorable comments about poetic works by the poet and artistic translator I.Yusupov are often mentioned in scientific journals, articles and collections related to literature.

Keywords: masters of poetry style, translator, poems, I.Yusupov’s laboratory, Russian classic literature, Pushkin, Lermontov, lyrical works, the peculiarity of the translation.

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