11.03.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 2
Abstract. The relevance of this article is determined by the following interrelated circumstances: firstly, the formation of the national innovation system is currently a very slow and controversial area, and the development of a set of measures aimed at increasing its effectiveness there is a need. For this, it is necessary to carry out research on the nature and content of the national innovation system, innovative economy, and clarify the conceptual model of the national innovation system. Secondly, the emergence of various models of formation of national innovation systems and the problem of choosing the most effective one of them determines the need to form a classification of innovative development models, and allows to assess the state of the innovation system of this country at the current stage and to determine the prospects for its development.
Keywords: national innovation systems, innovation policy, innovative knowledge, technology transfer, techno-economic paradigm, venture funds, innovation diffusion, innovative personnel, innovative economy.