25.02.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 2
Abstract. Organic fertilizers and composts play an important role in improving soil fertility and increasing the quality of agricultural products. In the agriculture of our country, the demand for organic fertilizers is high, and in some cases there is a shortage of them. fertilizer should be applied in fact. However, it is not possible to collect this amount of organic fertilizers. According to statistics, the annual demand for nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture is 85-90%, and the demand for phosphorus fertilizers and potash fertilizers is even less (45 -55% and 45-50%) are satisfied. With organic fertilizers, along with all the nutrients necessary for the plant, a large amount of microorganisms also fall into the soil.
Keywords: Organic and compost fertilizers, the growth and development of cotton plants, the growth periods of cotton plants, the effectiveness of fertilizers.