11.02.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 2

Abstract. The number of sports injuries increases when a person's health and physical fitness improves with increasing participation in sports activities. Warm-up and cool-down, flexibility exercises, coordination, balance and proprioceptive exercises are important in preventing sports injuries. Warming up and stretching have historically been the norm. Although the importance of proprioception has been recognized and research has increased in recent years, research on the mechanisms affecting balance and proprioception is lacking. Warm-up and stretching exercises are among the parameters that can affect balance and proprioception. The purpose of this review is to examine the literature on the effects of warm-up and stretching exercises on balance and proprioception. During the study, the literature was scanned by including the terms warm-up, stretching, proprioception, and balance in the pubic area. Research shows that warming up has a positive effect on balance in general, and that stretching also improves balance. However, some studies have shown that stretching either impairs balance or does not affect balance. When looking at the effect of stretching on proprioception, many studies show that stretching generally has a positive effect on proprioception, while some studies show no effect on proprioception and joint position sense.

Keywords: warm-up, stretching

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