11.02.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 2

Abstract. This article discusses the importance and value of both interactive methods in educational settings. It explores the benefits of CLT instruction and examines different approaches and strategies and effective sides for teaching. The author presents arguments supporting the inclusion of methods instruction in curricula and highlights the impact of both methods on skills, and overall academic success. Additionally, the article acknowledges potential challenges and offers suggestions for overcoming them. Overall, it advocates for the significance of meaning-focused language instruction that refers to an approach in language teaching and learning that prioritizes the communication of meaning over the explicit focus on isolated language forms such as grammar and vocabulary and form-focused language instruction that refers to an approach in language teaching and learning that emphasizes the explicit focus on linguistic forms such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and syntax. and emphasizes its role in fostering language development and enhancing learning outcomes.

Keywords: CLT, TBLT

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