22.12.2023 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 2 Issue 12

Abstract. The relevance of research on the adaptation of young physical education teachers is dictated by the modern challenges of Russian education, primarily the need to meet the targets of the national project "Education", in particular, "70% of teachers under the age of 35 will be involved in various forms of support and support in the first three years of work, by the end of 2024." Young teachers, including physical education teachers, in the conditions of the new geopolitical reality are the strategic resource that should become the main one in the formation of a new paradigm of education in Uzbekistan. The aim of the study is to assess the adaptation process of young physical education teachers in Yekaterinburg, to identify the main reasons for the difficulty of entering the profession and moving to the next stage of professional development. The article was written on the basis of the study conducted by the authors in May 2023. research of young teachers – teachers of physical culture, whose experience does not exceed five years. In total, 20 teachers of Yekaterinburg schools were interviewed. Socio-professional adaptation is understood as "the process of interaction between the individual and the professional environment, during which the development of goals, values, norms of professional activity is carried out, due to a combination of external and internal factors that ensure the optimal functioning and development of the individual in the profession."

Keywords: adaptation

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