10.06.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 6

Abstract. This paper argues that incorporating pragmatic-focused activities into language curriculum is crucial for preparing students to communicate effectively in the target language. The article reviews research on the importance of pragmatic competence and describes several practical classroom activities that can be used to teach pragmatic skills, such as role-playing, discourse analysis, and metapragmatic reflection. Examples are provided of how these activities can be implemented at different proficiency levels to raise learners' awareness of pragmatic norms and provide opportunities for guided pragmatic practice. The paper concludes by discussing the benefits of an integrated approach to pragmatic instruction and considerations for effective implementation in a variety of language learning contexts.

Keywords: sociolinguistic awareness, communicate, activities, communicative competence, interactional skills, language teaching.

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