24.06.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 6

Abstract. Ensuring the safety of dust and explosion during underground mining in mining enterprises is one of the most important tasks of the enterprise. Departments of industrial safety and labor protection should be established in mining enterprises. For example, the main method of preventing the explosion of coal dust found during the processing of mines is to treat it with rock dust. Traditional methods of controlling the quality of stone dust removal include radioisotope, optical and chemical methods. To implement them, devices need replaceable tubes, expensive optical sensors, dryers and chemical reagents, which are equipped with environmentally harmful radioactive elements. Compressed air is widely used in many industries as a safe technological energy carrier in economically developed countries, energy costs for the production and distribution of compressed air reach 10-15%. An analysis of the industrial compressed air production and distribution systems sector shows that the efficiency of the systems is relatively low. It is about not paying enough attention to the systems, because the energy monitoring of compressed air systems has certain difficulties - the existence of complex and branched networks of air pipes with their own characteristics; low sensitivity of equipment that consumes compressed air; the complexity of checking pneumatic equipment that ensures the safety of continuous operation. The article analyzes the possibilities of reducing the costs of production and distribution of compressed air. The task is solved by hardware and software, which is to monitor and control the compressed air pressure at the main points of the network. The proposed method allows real-time detection of air currents occurring in the air duct network and sending commands to technical personnel. On the example of the Tebin Spring mine, we have considered the theories of analysis of the satisfactory approximation of the calculated air flow with the actual values. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the developed method of air flow control in the network of air ducts is simple, it requires uncomplicated work.

Keywords: Open pit mines, blasting, detonators, mine charge, mine explosion hazard, coal mines, rock dusting, thermogravimetry, thermogravimetric curve, compressed air, compressors, energy efficiency, air flow monitoring.

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