23.05.2024 "Modern Science and Research" xalqaro ilmiy jurnali 1 seriyasi. Volume 3 Issue 5

Abstract. In this article, the author talks about the great work of small creators, the beautiful and unique nature of our country, animal world, ancient monuments, structures built in the years of independence, national values and traditions. The relevance of the topic of the article is expressed in the insufficient study of the scientific approach in visual arts, which is closer to scientific knowledge than other types of artistic perception of the world, and inconsistency of research evaluation.

Keywords: Brush, Painting, watercolor, gouache, tempera, watercolor, colored glass, colored stone, decoration, monumental art, monumental painting, easel art, animalistics, historical genre, domestic genre, batal genre, specially treated fabric, wood, paper, cardboard, glass, metal.

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